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12:46 p.m. - January 21, 2009
Cuteness, tears & mocking
Jeren does the cutest imitations. If he�s eating something tasty he looks at you and goes mmmmm. Than every time he gives a hug which is when he lays his head on you I go ahhh so now every time he hugs anyone especially the dog he makes the ahhh sound. It�s so funny! His personality is really coming out, along with the little tantrums he as when he doesn�t get what he wants. He�s not spoiled at all.

I watched the bachelor on Monday. It made me bawl. I cry about everything these days. In fact if we are watching a show and a scene comes on that Jerry thinks I might cry over he will do this mental count down in his head than he will point his finger at me and announce �And you�re done!� The sad thing is he�s "always" right. I try to avoid him by going to the kitchen to get something to drink but he can always hear me sniffling�so than he proceeds to mock me�.butthead.
(Maybe I should put in Fried Green Tomatoes than we will see who turns into the baby!)


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